We’re Not Anti-Immigrant, They Say
January 28th, 2017 Barry Posted in Immigration, Racism & Racists, Social Justice | No Comments »
Panel 1
Two men are in a park, talking.
MAN 1: We don’t have anything against immigrants. Just against illegals.
MAN 2: Don’t call people “illegals.”
Panel 2
A TV screen plays. On the TV, a blonde woman cheerfully talks.
WOMAN: Anti-immigrant? That’s ridiculous. The GOP has no problem with immigrants who follow the rules.
Panel 3
A scowling man leans over a laptop, typing furiously, sitting in an empty coffee shop.
MAN (what he’s typing): That’s yet another libtard lie – that Republicans are anti-immigrant, just because we want to get illegals out!
Panel 4
A man wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap is speaking angrily.
MAN: It’s so unfair to call Republicans anti-immigrant! We’re just anti-illegal immigrant.
Panel 5
A shot of the White House. Two word balloons, indicating people inside the building speaking, come out of the white house.
CAPTION: Literally the first week of a Republican presidency
VOICE 1: Should our new immigration ban also include green card holders who are legal U.S. residents?
VOICE 2: Hell yes.