The GOP’s Dream Speech
Cartoon by Barry
This cartoon is drawn by Kevin Moore.
This cartoon has four panels, plus a tiny fifth “kicker” panel below the bottom of the cartoon.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr, dressed in a gray 1960s suit with a black tie, stands behind a podium, with an array of microphones positioned to catch his words. Behind him we can see a crowd of Black supporters listening. MLK is holding up a finger to emphasize his point.
Behind him, a white MAGA dude, wearing a polo shirt with a big green stripe, green shorts, and a red MAGA cap, is emerging out of some sort of sci-fi portal hanging in the air. The MAGA dude is holding out a hand in a “STOP!” gesture and has an urgent, wide-eyed expression.
MLK: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by—
MAGA: STOP! Dr. King, we gotta talk!
Dr King looks a bit annoyed at the interruption, but remains courteous, speaking softly to the MAGA dude. The MAGA dude, not seeming to notice King’s annoyance, grins hugely and puts a hand on King’s shoulder.
MLK: Er… Excuse me, my friend. I’m giving a speech right now.
MAGA: I know! The 21st century GOP sent me back in a Time Machine to tell you to stop.
MLK, taken aback, turns to face the MAGA dude. The MAGA dude, still grinning hugely, explains.
MLK: Pardon me?
MAGA: The “character not skin” bit? SUPER DUPER! But you said so many things that aren’t good for us! Like reparations, and socialism, and anti-war. Be a pal and quit?
MLK is amused, clearly holding back a laugh. The MAGA dude is now the one taken aback.
MLK: So you think I’ll be silent because a white man from the future says my words are inconvenient for him?
MAGA: Uh… Yeah. Why, is that a problem?
MLK: You don’t know the first thing about me, do you?
MAGA: Nope! And I’d like to keep it that way!
The GOP’s Dream Speech | Patreon
Posted in Conservatives, Kevin Moore collaborations, Racism & Racists, Right-wingers |