The Republican Health Care Plan

May 29th, 2017 Barry Posted in Health care | No Comments »

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Transcript of cartoon:

Panel 1
A man in a suit is standing on a stage, in front of a crowd, grandly introducing a furry, fanged, unicorn-horned, pointy-eared, polka-dot dinosaur-tailed monster. The monster waves at the crowd.

SUIT GUY: Introducing… the Republican Health Care Plan
CROWD: Boo! Boo! Boo!

Panel 2
CAPTION: Weeks later
The same man is grandly introducing the exact same monster, except that the monster is now wearing a fake nose and glasses. The crowd glares.
SUIT GUY: We listened to you and we made big changes! Introducing the NEW Republican health care plan!

Kicker panel
A few members of the crowd are talking to Suit Guy.
PERSON IN CROWD: Just how stupid do you think we are?
SUIT GUY: You elected Trump.