How Free Speech Was Saved
November 14th, 2017 Barry Posted in Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny | No Comments »
Transcript of Cartoon
Panel 1
This panel shows only the title of the strip, in large, cheerful letters on a blue background.
TITLE: How Free Speech Was Saved
Panel 2
Two men, in their 20s or 30s, are in a coffee shop. One of them, a handsome, muscular blonde man with a square jaw and wearing a sleeveless tee, is looking angrily at his tablet. The other, a scruffier looking man in a collared blue shirt, is sitting at a table with his laptop, but looking up in alarm.
BLONDE: The feminists are attacking free speech!
Panel 3
A closer shot of the two guys as they stare at Blonde’s tablet.
BLONDE: Look, this one’s calling out sexism in a video game!
SCRUFF: Feminist criticism? But that’s censorship!
Panel 4
Blonde dramatically gestures, looking up and waving fists in the air, as Scruff turns to his laptop.
BLONDE: This injustice CANNOT stand!
SCRUFF: I’ll get on social media!
Panel 5
This panel is divided into four sub-panels, showing four different men in different locations, all reading something on their computer or tablet and yelling “ATTACK!”
Panel 6
A 30ish woman in a black sleeveless tee sits in front of her laptop, a cup of coffee on the table, and looks shocked at what’s on her computer screen.
VARIOUS MESSAGES FROM COMPUTER: Step in a hole and die! Rape! I know where you live! Hate! SJW scum! You are pure @#$&! Die!
WOMAN: Yipes!
Panel 7
The same woman, now crying a little, types a message into her computer.
WOMAN: Dear friends: For the time being, I’m shutting down all my social media accounts…
Panel 8
Another panel that’s been divided into four sub-panels, each showing a different woman in a different location. They are all looking at their internet devices, and all thinking the same thought: “Look at what they did to her… Maybe I shouldn’t post online.”
Panel 9
Back to the two guys, who have their arms crossed and are looking happy and prideful, as they talk to a third man, a hippie-looking dude who is very impressed.
BLONDE: And that’s how we saved free speech!
HIPPIE: Wow! You guys are heroes!