The Boy Who Cried Collapse!

June 7th, 2018 Barry Posted in History, LGBT cartoons | No Comments »

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Transcript of Cartoon

This comic has four panels.

Panel 1


The panel shows an academic dude, who looks very well put together, standing on a college campus. He’s smoking a pipe and wearing a snazzy suit with a bow tie. He looks very confident.

DUDE: If government doesn’t outlaw birth control, society will collapse.

Panel 2


The same dude, but 35 years older; his hair is no longer fully black. He’s wearing a jacket and tie, and looks very stern, holding up a finger to make his point. The camera is a little tighter on him now, but it’s not a tight shot.

DUDE: If we can’t throw people in prison for gay sex… Society will DEFINITELY collapse!

Panel 3


The panel shows the same man, in a tighter shot. He looks older now, and his hair, while thick, has no black left in it. He looks a little wide-eyed and panicked, and his body language looks more desperate. His word balloon is a little shaky.


Panel 4


The same dude, now in a close-up. He looks older; his hair is white and thinned, and he has visible wrinkles. He is leaning on a cane with one hand, and the other hand is in a fist shaking impotently up and down. He is sweating and wide-eyed and fully panicked.

DUDE: If trans people get equal rights… SOCIETY WILL COLLAPSE FOR REALSIES! Any day now! This time for SURE!

Tiny “kicker” panel below the bottom of the strip

The cartoonist, Barry, is talking to the academic dude.

BARRY: Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
DUDE: No, but I hope he’s not gay.