If A Fetus Could Talk
March 31st, 2019 Barry Posted in Abortion, Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny | No Comments »
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This cartoon has eight panels.
Panel 1
A woman and a man are walking down a city sidewalk, chatting. The woman is looking a little irritated; the man is holding up a finger in a “that gives me an idea!” gesture.
WOMAN: You know the genre of political cartoon I hate? Pro-life cartoons with a fetus lecturing from inside a womb!
MAN: I should draw one of those!
Panel 2
This panel, and almost all the remaining panels, show a fetus inside a vaguely drawn womb shape, which is itself in a blank void. The fetus, who is drawn to look like a baby rather than like a fetus, is smiling and talking directly to the reader.
FETUS: Hi folks! I’m Frank the friendly fetus, talking from inside the womb!
Panel 3
A close-up of the smiling fetus’ face. He’s pointing at his head with one finger.
FETUS: Except not really, because you know what? My cerebral cortex isn’t functioning yet!
Panel 4
FETUS: So I can’t talk! Or think! Or feel anything at all – not even pain!
Panel 5
The fetus is giving the “thumbs up” gesture with both hands.
FETUS: So if you need an abortion, go for it! It’s okay! I literally feel nothing and have no preferences!
Panel 6
For the first time, the fetus looks serious rather than smiling. It’s raising a forefinger to make a point.
FETUS: I’m not a person! But the pregnant person is! So it’s up to them to decide!
Panel 7
This panel shows a dark-haired pregnant woman, in a dress and carrying a purse, walking through what looks like a park. The word balloon leads down to her pregnant stomach.
FETUS: Speaking of which, pro-life cartoons often show wombs floating in a blank void. Notice who they’re leaving out?
Panel 8
A shot of the smiling fetus, who is holding up a medical instrument in one hand.
FETUS: In summary: Abort me! Or don’t! It’s your choice!
FETUS: Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.