Both Sides Are Equally Bad!
September 27th, 2019 Barry Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
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This cartoon has six panels; two rows containing five panels between them, and then a final row with just a single large panel.
Panel 1
Three people stand on a city sidewalk talking. There is “Mr. Right,” a bald white man wearing a dress shirt and a tie; a woman wearing glasses, a white collared shirt and a floral skirt; and “Ms. Left,” a black-haired woman wearing a hoodie and jeans.
Glasses has turned to her left, to address Ms Left.
GLASSES: Whats’ the worst thing you do, Ms Left?
MS LEFT: Well,.. Some of our extremists punch people, and not everyone punched is a Nazi.
Panel 2
Glasses has now turned to her right, to ask Mr Right a question.
GLASSES: And Mr Right, what’s the worst thing you do?
MR RIGHT: Oh, you know… Forced child separation, inhumane detention camps, and mass shootings inspired by the violent rhetoric of our highest elected leaders.
Panel 3
A close-up of Glasses, who is holding up a hand with a “stop!” gesture and looking upward as if thinking.
GLASSES: But if you both do violence… Then that means…
Panel 4
An even tighter close-up of Glasses. Her hands are up on her face, and her eyes are wide, as if she’s having a startling realization.
GLASSES: That both of you are…
Panel 5
A very tight close-up of Glasses’ face – her entire head doesn’t even fit in the panel. She’s grinning too wide and sweating and looks very intense. Her dialog in this panel, rather than being contained in a dialog balloon, is done in huge, happy letters superimposed over the image.
Panel 6
A large panel, showing Mr. Right and Glasses grinning and dancing joyously while they sing. Musical notes fill the air around them. On the far right of the panel, Ms Left is facepalming.
MR RIGHT (sings): Equally bad! Equally bad!
GLASSES (sings): Equally bad!
MS LEFT (thought): Why do I even talk to centrists?