Which Economic System Prevents Pandemics?
April 14th, 2020 Barry Posted in COVID-19, Economic cartoons | No Comments »
Welcome to my friend and now collaborator Frank Young, who colored this cartoon. There’s no way I could do justice to Frank’s resume – cartoonist, novelist, former editor of the Comics Journal, author of many nonfiction books about classic comics, and curator of many fine collections of classic comics.
The first time Frank colored this cartoon, he colored it like a regular cartoon – you know, with actual colors and stuff. I had to ask him to try again, this time using the sort of very limited palettes I usually prefer. I’m very happy with how the finished cartoon came out.
This cartoon has four panels, plus a small “kicker” panel below the bottom of the strip.
Each of the panels shows the same scene; two humans, and an anthropomorphized coronavirus (with a perfectly round head and little things sticking out of the head in every direction). Other than that, the corona virus has an ordinary human body.
The two humans are a woman with shoulder-length hair, wearing a turtleneck and a skirt with a floral pattern; and a woman with glasses, black bobbed hair (like Lucy from Peanuts), and a sleeveless dress over a striped short-sleeved shirt.
They’re sitting around a little round table with two cups of coffee on it. The two women are arguing. The coronavirus is just looking ahead blankly, not seeming to pay attention to what the women are saying.
GLASSES: It’s not a coincidence that cornonavirus began in a communist country. An unfettered free market wouldn’t have-
TURTLENECK: That’s crap!
TURTLENECK: Single payer could have prevented this!
GLASSES: Socialized medicine didn’t save Italy, Spain and Germany!
The same scene. The two women are leaning into their argument, their noses almost touching. The coronavirus, still without much expression, lifts a forefinger and speaks.
TURTLENECK: Just like capitalism didn’t-
GLASSES: How can you ignore-
CORONAVIRUS: Can I say something?
Silent panel.
The chair coronavirus was sitting in is empty, and coronavirus is not in this panel.
The two women slump against the table and chairs, dead. (They have little “X”s for eyes, cartoon symbols for being dead.) An overturned coffee mug on the table is spilling over the side of the table.
Two middle-aged men talk; one of them is Barry, the cartoonist. The first man looks inquisitive; Barry responds cheerfully.
MAN: So you’re saying both sides are equally bad?
BARRY: The phrase “fuck no” is woefully inadequate.