It’s Always The Sick Person’s Fault
February 4th, 2021 Barry Posted in Becky Hawkins collaborations, Health care | No Comments »
Today’s cartoon is another collaboration with Becky Hawkins.
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This cartoon has nine panels, all the same size, arranged in a three by three grid. The panels show figures on a blank colored background, mostly alternating between light blue and cream. Every panel features “Bob,” a white man in a blue polo shirt and tan pants. Bob has a mustache and beard, and wears glasses.
Bob addresses the reader directly, calmly, spreading his palms to make a point.
BOB: Whenever someone whines that they can’t afford medical care, they don’t deserve help. Because when I look, it’s always their own fault!
Bob continues speaking, but turns to the side to greet Dr. Jones, a woman wearing a white lab coat over blue scrubs, carrying a clipboard, and wearing a stethoscope around her neck, because Becky and I really, really wanted it to be really, really obvious that this character is a doctor. Cartooning!
BOB: Maybe they’re fat. Or they smoke. Maybe they didn’t save enough. Or maybe they—
BOB: Oh, hello, Dr. Jones.
In a closer shot, the doctor speaks seriously to Bob while pointing at something on her clipboard. Bob’s eyes have gone wide.
DR JONES: Bad news, Bob — you’ve got a serious condition that will require months of expensive treatment.
As the doctor walks out of the right edge of the panel, Bob nervously watching her, a gray-haired man in a suit and tie enters from the left.
DOCTOR: You should have gotten tested sooner. Or had better genes. Bye!
SUIT: Hi, Bob! I’m from your insurance company.
A close shot shows the man in the suit leaning close to Bob and pointing at something on a piece of paper. Bob still looks in shock.
SUIT: Good news! We found a loophole in your policy! Wo we only have to pay $20,000 of your expected $700,000 medical bill!
Bob leans towards the departing guy in the suit, yelling big with both his arms upraised. A sound effect pointing towards a rectangular lump in Bob’s pocket – “brring! brring!” – indicates Bob’s cell phone is ringing.
SUIT: Next time, read the 12th page of small print more carefully.
Here we see Bob, looking very lost and frightened in a close-up, holding his cell phone up to an ear as he listens. His boss’ voice comes from the cell phone. Reflecting Bob’s mood, this panel is colored completely in shades of red.
BOSS: Bob, it’s your boss. You’ve used all your sick leave and you still can’t work. We’re letting you go.
BOSS: It’s your own fault for not working while sick.
There’s no dialog in this panel. Bob, biting his nails and seeming very nervous, looks towards the readers out of the corner of his eye, as if just remembering that the readers are there.
Bob, having calmed down, returns to addressing the reader directly, with a somewhat smug expression.
BOB: Well, of course I’m virtuous and deserve help. But other sick people have only themselves to blame!