Women Need To Be More Warm And Approachable
November 4th, 2023 Barry Posted in Sexism & Misogyny | No Comments »
This cartoon has five panels.
We’re looking at a few students standing on a grassy area, with paths and trees, between large academic buildings. In the foreground, a good-looking student with neatly combed brown hair and a purple polo shirt is reading something on his phone. In the background, two more students – a woman with orange curly hair (I’ll call her Claire), and a man with a small beard and his hair in a ponytail (I’ll call him Ponytail)- are looking at the foreground student. Claire looks concerned, Ponytail is in cheerful lecture mode.
CLAIRE: That guy’s in my sociology class… He’s bitter and angry at women. Why are some guys like that?
PONYTAIL It’s because too few women are warm and approachable.
A close-up of Claire shows her looking back towards the man she pointed out and smiling.
CLAIRE: Hmmm… Excuse me a minute.
Claire has walked up to the guy in the purple polo shirt; we can now see he’s sitting on a public bench. He’s pleased and very surprised that she came up to him. She waves and smiles as she speaks.
CLAIRE: Hi, I’m Claire. We’re in Sociology together.
A caption at the top of panel four says A FEW WEEKS LATER.
Panels four and five both show Claire and Ponytail sitting together at a round table in a cafe of some sort; there are framed photos on the wall, and large windows behind them, showing an area with a big tree. Claire has a coffee mug in front of her, and Ponytail is looking at a newspaper he’s reading.
In panel four, Claire is talking a bit angrily on her cell phone, waving her other arm a bit.
CLAIRE: Look, I don’t owe you being your girlfriend because I was nice to you! Just leave me alone!
Ponytail hasn’t moved at all, speaking without looking up from his paper, Claire has laid her head on the table in a despairing sort of way.
CLAIRE: Great. Now I have a stalker.
PONYTAIL: It’s your own fault for being warm and approachable.
“Chicken fat” means easily-overlooked and meaningless details in a cartoon the cartoonist put in, which maybe you (and they) find amusing.
Panel one: Not really a gag, but Ponytail’s t-shirt has a traffic light design, which I rather like and think would make a good shirt.
Panel four: In the background, there’s a photo of Wilma Flintstone on the wall.
The headline of Ponytail’s newspaper says “Background Detail Monthly.”
Panel five: The photo on the wall in the background has changed to being Pearl from “Steven Universe.”
The headline on the paper now says “I think therefore I nsomnia.”
The coffee mug on the table, in panel four, had cartoon lighting on it; it now has a cartoon rainstorm on it.
Outside the window, Michael and Janet from the TV show “The Good Place” are looking in.
There’s also a squirrel.