A Woman In The Primary
February 10th, 2019 Barry Posted in Elections, Sexism & Misogyny | No Comments »
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This cartoon has nine panels, plus an additional tiny “kicker” panel below the bottom of the cartoon. Each panel shows a single speaker, talking directly to the reader.
A youngish white man with square glasses speaks cheerfully to the reader, holding up one forefinger in a “making a point” gesture.
MAN: We’d love to vote for a woman in the primary! As long as she’s the right woman.
A middle-aged man with a long face, sunglasses, and a tiny mustache holds his arms wide as he complains. His t-shirt is mostly cut off by the bottom panel border, but we can make out that it says “Biden.”
MAN: She’s so old. Can’t we have some fresh blood?
A woman with shiny black hair holds a coffee mug and speaks, looking concerned.
WOMAN: She just seems too ambitious. I don’t like that in a President… Plus she’s so inauthentic!
A benign-looking older man, wearing a dark suit and a striped tie, speaks to us, a small smile on his face.
MAN: Her? No. She doesn’t have enough experience…. Yes, I voted Obama over Hillary in 2008. That’s different.
A middle-aged man wearing a sports jersey and a baseball cap is looking at his smartphone, tapping it with one finger as he speaks.
MAN: She SAYS she listened to Tupac in 1989… But Tupac’s first album was in 1991! I won’t vote for a liar!
A young man with pierced ears, tattoos, a shaggy haircut, and a cheerful demeanor waves a hand dismissively, as if he’s laughing at a dismissable concept.
MAN: C’mon, her voice is so shrill! IT’d be like voting for my mom!
A man with neatly combed hair, perfectly round glasses, shrugs. He’s wearing a black shirt, a necktie, and a jacket with a plaid pattern.
MAN: I’d vote for a woman. But think of all the backwards people who won’t. That’s why we have to choose a man.
A young man in a hoodie, wearing large glasses, is partly turned away from us, but looks back at us out of the corner of his eyes, raising a hand for emphasis.
MAN: She’s just not likable, okay?
The youngish man from panel 1 is back. He’s grinning a bit too big, and holding two thumbs up towards the viewer.
MAN: So that’s a “no” for 2020! But if an acceptable woman ever runs, we’ll totally vote for her!
A tiny panel below the bottom of the stirp shows a young man with his hair buzzed on teh sides, looking smugly amused, talking to Barry the cartoonist. Barry has a pained expression and has slapped a palm over one of his eyes.
YOUNG MAN: So you’re saying it’s “sexist” to ever criticize a female politician?
BARRY: OW! Eyeball rolling injury!