The Woman I’ve Been Waiting For

Cartoon by Barry

I make a living because people support my cartoons on Patreon! Join them!


This cartoon has four panels.


A man and a woman stand on a fancy pedestrian bridge over a stream, holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes. Both are smiling.

MAN: I’m so glad I found you. You’re the woman I’ve been waiting for! You’re always supportive, always cheerful.


A closer shot of the two of them, walking while holding hands. They’re still looking fondly at each other.

MAN: You never think about your appearance or diet, yet you look like a model. You’ve got a career, but it never interferes with time for me.


A long shot shows them walking side by side down a path in a park. He’s looking ahead, smiling as he talks; she’s turned to face him a bit, smiling, with an “explaining hand” gesture.

MAN: You insist on doing the cooking and my laundry. You’re eager to hear about all my hobbies..

WOMAN: But don’t forget, honey – I’m also imaginary.


The same setting and shot as in the previous panel. The man has come to a stop and is looking down a bit, expression sad, one hand reaching out a bit as if to grab onto something that’s not there. He is completely alone.

MAN (in a thought balloon): I always forget that part.

Posted in Sexism & Misogyny |

How Banning The Abortion Pill Works

Cartoon by Barry

Support my patreon and help me keep drawing these cartoons!


This cartoon has nine panels, arranged in a three by three grid. Every panel shows the same subject: A man wearing glasses and a polo shirt, sitting at a small table, with a laptop computer open in front of him.


The man sits typing on his laptop. There’s a “tap tap tap” sound effect for his typing. Above him, in Ariel font (a font commonly used for computer text), we can see what he’s typing. He is smiling and looks relaxed.

MAN (typing): Hello, “ask me anything” forum. I wrote proposed legislation to make using Mifepristone, also known as “the abortion pill,” a felony. Ask me anything!


The man speaks aloud (in the usual faux-handwritten comic book font I use), looking pleasantly surprised.

MAN: I wonder how long it takes for… Oh, someone’s asked me a question already!


The man reads aloud from his laptop screen. (Again, regular comic book font.)

MAN: “Pregnancy loss from taking an abortion pill is indistinguishable from miscarriage. How will you know who to arrest?”


The man, still smiling and looking relaxed, types on his laptop.

MAN (types): Great question! First, we’ll tell doctors and nurses to immediately call the police if they think a miscarriage is suspicious.


The same scene, but closer up. His smile looks creepier, however.

MAN (types): Cops will show up and grill women while they’re still bleeding and drugged. The perfect time to get a confession!


Even closer up. His smile looks downright malicious now.

MAN (types): Experience suggests that certain classes of women- like poor women and Black women -will more often be seen as “suspicious.” That shouldn’t bother you becau


The man leans back from the laptop and puts a hand on the side of his face as he thinks. He’s no longer smiling.


Leaning forward again, frowning, the man hits the “delete” key a few times. We know this because of the sound effect, which says: “Delete! Delete! Delete!”


The man types again, once more looking relaxed.

MAN (types): Great question! We’ll know who to arrest through good old-fashioned police work.

Posted in Abortion, Sexism & Misogyny |

Token White Male Character

Cartoon by Barry

I couldn’t make these cartoons without my supporters on Patreon! If you can spare it, please join them! A $1 pledge really matters.


This cartoon has four panels. Each panel shows the same corner of a rooftop in some “high fantasy” sort of setting. The rooftop is rough-hewn but fancy, with three small gargoyles, like snakes with animal heads, and one larger gargoyle, which looks somewhat dragon-ish.

There are two people on the rooftop: A human male, who is white. He wears no shirt and a red cloak. Next to him is an elf woman, who has facial tattoos, large pointy ears, wide eyes, and is wearing a flowing purple gown.


The human is looking down at something that’s visible from the roof, stroking his chin thoughtfully, with a serious expression. The elf is positioned as if she was just looking in the same direction, but then looked out the corner of her eyes at him instead. She’s raised one hand in a “just a second” gesture.

HUMAN: If we break into Lord Vezox’s warbase at nightfall-

ELF: Just a moment. What’s the justification for you being a white male?


The human and elf have turned so they’re directly facing each other. The human is a bit surprised looking; the elf looks a bit angry and is “talking with her hands.”

HUMAN: Er… What?

ELF: If there’s no reason your character needs to be a white male, then you’re just a token!


The human is looking annoyed, crossing his arms. The elf is angrily yelling, holding up a hand in a “stop that” gesture.

HUMAN: What’s wrong with having white guys in the story?

ELF: Sticking white male characters in for “diversity” ruins the story! It’s just not realistic!


The large gargoyle has turned its head to speak to the human. The human is surprised looking. The Elf looks pleased.

GARGOYLE: And if we aren’t strictly realistic, fans won’t accept the story!

ELF: Yeah!

Token White Male Character | Patreon

Posted in Media criticism, Racism & Racists, Sexism & Misogyny |

Echo Chamber

Cartoon by Barry

Help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge really matters to me.

This cartoon has four panels, each of which takes place in a different setting, and with a different set of characters.
A man wearing a polo shirt and jeans follows a woman down the street. The woman is wearing a hoodie and is walking a small dog. The man is talking cheerfully, doing the “explaining with my hands” palms up gesture; the woman is looking back at him out of the corner of her eye and has raised her voice testily.
POLO SHIRT: So you see, when you “transgenders” insist you’re women, that’s you forcing society to along with your delusions. Let’s discuss this.
DOG (in thought balloon): Jerk!
A woman and man are walking on a path in a park, the woman walking away from the man. The man is bald-headed with a van dyke beard, and is wearing a t-shirt with a big exclamation point on it, and an open black vest over the shirt. The woman has tattoos and blue hair.
The man has a friendly smile and has raised one forefinger in a “professor explaining a point” style; the woman is holding up a smartphone and speaking angrily.
VEST DUDE: I’m not saying men should hit women. But when men aren’t allowed to hit women, men have no means of controlling crazy women. If I may quote Mister Jordan Peterson-
A customer at a coffee shop, a blonde woman with curly blonde hair, is chatting with a friendly expression with the barista. The barista, who is Black and wearing cat’s eye glasses, is waving their hands and yelling. The customer has a “Q,” in the same font as the “Quilette” logo, on the back of her shirt.
CUSTOMER: There’s no need to get mad. I just want to politely debate whether or not Black people have genes that make them stupid.
Three characters from the previous three panels – Polo Shirt, Vest Dude, and Customer – are sitting around a round table with coffee cups on it. They are all looking annoyed and unhappy.
POLO SHIRT: Woke “identitarians” are so rude!
CUSTOMER: They want to live in an echo chamber!

Posted in Conservatives, LGBT cartoons, Racism & Racists, Sexism & Misogyny |

If A Fetus Could Talk

Cartoon by Barry

Help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon!


This cartoon has eight panels.

Panel 1

A woman and a man are walking down a city sidewalk, chatting. The woman is looking a little irritated; the man is holding up a finger in a “that gives me an idea!” gesture.

WOMAN: You know the genre of political cartoon I hate? Pro-life cartoons with a fetus lecturing from inside a womb!

MAN: I should draw one of those!

Panel 2

This panel, and almost all the remaining panels, show a fetus inside a vaguely drawn womb shape, which is itself in a blank void. The fetus, who is drawn to look like a baby rather than like a fetus, is smiling and talking directly to the reader.

FETUS: Hi folks! I’m Frank the friendly fetus, talking from inside the womb!

Panel 3

A close-up  of the smiling fetus’ face. He’s pointing at his head with one finger.

FETUS: Except not really, because you know what? My cerebral cortex isn’t functioning yet!

Panel 4

FETUS: So I can’t talk! Or think! Or feel anything at all – not even pain!

Panel 5

The fetus is giving the “thumbs up” gesture with both hands.

FETUS: So if you need an abortion, go for it! It’s okay! I literally feel nothing and have no preferences!

Panel 6

For the first time, the fetus looks serious rather than smiling. It’s raising a forefinger to make a point.

FETUS: I’m not a person! But the pregnant person is! So it’s up to them to decide!

Panel 7

This panel shows a dark-haired pregnant woman, in a dress and carrying a purse, walking through what looks like a park. The word balloon leads down to her pregnant stomach.

FETUS: Speaking of which, pro-life cartoons often show wombs floating in a blank void. Notice who they’re leaving out?

Panel 8

A shot of the smiling fetus, who is holding up a medical instrument in one hand.

FETUS: In summary: Abort me! Or don’t! It’s your choice!

FETUS: Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Posted in Abortion, Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny |

Dear (Some Of) My Fellow Lefties

Cartoon by Barry

Support my Patreon and help me make more cartoons! A $1 pledge matters a lot to me.


This comic strip has nine panels. The first eight panels each show a single character (a different character in each panel), speaking to the viewer.


There is a caption at the top of panel 1.

CAPTION: Dear (some of) my fellow lefties:

The art shows a man sitting at a desk, laughing. He’s wearing a white collared shirt and a necktie.

MAN: Ann Coulter is a man! Haw haw!


An older woman, with white hair and a floral-print blouse, is holding up her hands and laughing, as if she’s telling a joke.

WOMAN: Clarence Thomas’ parents should have named him “Tom.” Get it? Like Uncle Tom?\

WOMAN: As a white liberal, it’s totally my place to say that!


A man with an enormous beard, wearing sunglasses, a bowler hat, and a coat with big puffs around the collar and wrists, speaks to the viewer, smiling. There’s a bike parked next to him.

MAN: I bet all these anti-gay conservatives are secretly gay!

MAN: Let’s laugh at them for being gay!

MAN: (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)


A thin woman, wearing a red knit cap, a hoodie, and hoop earrings, is speaking angrily.

WOMAN: Trump just keeps pulling lies out of his big fat ass!

WOMAN: God fat people disgust me!

WOMAN: Er… I meant, Trump disgusts me!

WOMAN: Whichever!


A man, wearing glasses and a “this is what a feminist looks like” tee shirt, stands pointing to something on the screen of his tablet. There’s a hillside with paths and a couple of trees behind him.

MAN: When I see pro-life women, I think, who’d even want to get them pregnant?


A person sits at a small round table, a coffee mug in front of them. They have heavily tattooed arms, the side of their head is shaved, and they’re wearing a small ring on their nose and several more in their ear. They’re smiling and holding one hand up to their mouth as if telling a dirty joke.

PERSON: Guys obsessed with protecting big guns are just making up for they lack downstairs, ifyaknowwhatImean.

PERSON: You do know what I mean, right?

PERSON: I mean penises!


A woman stands outdoors, dressed for a cool day. She’s got a jacket, a scarf, and a big knit hat. She’s looking a bit aggravated as she speaks.

WOMAN: You know who votes Republican? Inbred, flyover state hillbilly retards!


A redheaded man sits on a curb, leaning on one hand. He’s wearing a button-up collared shirt, open, over a striped long-sleeved tee. He’s grinning.

MAN: I love it when right-wingers get sent to prison. “Don’t drop the soap!” Ha!


There is no art in this panel. Instead, the entire panel is black, except for a caption in big white letters.

CAPTION: Shut up and get the hell off my side.

This cartoon on Patreon

Posted in Ableism, Barry's favorites, Fat Acceptance, LGBT cartoons, Racism & Racists, Sexism & Misogyny, Social Justice |

A Woman In The Primary

Cartoon by Barry

Help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge means a lot.



This cartoon has nine panels, plus an additional tiny “kicker” panel below the bottom of the cartoon. Each panel shows a single speaker, talking directly to the reader.


A youngish white man with square glasses speaks cheerfully to the reader, holding up one forefinger in a “making a point” gesture.

MAN: We’d love to vote for a woman in the primary! As long as she’s the right woman.


A middle-aged man with a long face, sunglasses, and a tiny mustache holds his arms wide as he complains. His t-shirt is mostly cut off by the bottom panel border, but we can make out that it says “Biden.”

MAN: She’s so old. Can’t we have some fresh blood?


A woman with shiny black hair holds a coffee mug and speaks, looking concerned.

WOMAN: She just seems too ambitious. I don’t like that in a President… Plus she’s so inauthentic!


A benign-looking older man, wearing a dark suit and a striped tie, speaks to us, a small smile on his face.

MAN: Her? No. She doesn’t have enough experience…. Yes, I voted Obama over Hillary in 2008. That’s different.


A middle-aged man wearing a sports jersey and a baseball cap is looking at his smartphone, tapping it with one finger as he speaks.

MAN: She SAYS she listened to Tupac in 1989… But Tupac’s first album was in 1991! I won’t vote for a liar!


A young man with pierced ears, tattoos, a shaggy haircut, and a cheerful demeanor waves a hand dismissively, as if he’s laughing at a dismissable concept.

MAN: C’mon, her voice is so shrill! IT’d be like voting for my mom!


A man with neatly combed hair, perfectly round glasses, shrugs. He’s wearing a black shirt, a necktie, and a jacket with a plaid pattern.

MAN: I’d vote for a woman. But think of all the backwards people who won’t. That’s why we have to choose a man.


A young man in a hoodie, wearing large glasses, is partly turned away from us, but looks back at us out of the corner of his eyes, raising a hand for emphasis.

MAN: She’s just not likable, okay?


The youngish man from panel 1 is back. He’s grinning a bit too big, and holding two thumbs up towards the viewer.

MAN: So that’s a “no” for 2020! But if an acceptable woman ever runs, we’ll totally vote for her!


A tiny panel below the bottom of the stirp shows a young man with his hair buzzed on teh sides, looking smugly amused, talking to Barry the cartoonist. Barry has a pained expression and has slapped a palm over one of his eyes.

YOUNG MAN: So you’re saying it’s “sexist” to ever criticize a female politician?

BARRY: OW! Eyeball rolling injury!

Posted in Elections, Sexism & Misogyny |

Forced Kidney Donation

Cartoon by Barry

If you enjoy these cartoons, help me make more by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge really helps.


This cartoon has seven panels, arranged in a grid of six small panels (three across, two down), followed by a final panel which is quite large.

Panels 1-6 are colored in a minimalist color scheme featuring shades of brown and yellow.


Panel 1 shows a close-up of man with a van dyke beard with his head on a pillow, snoring. A voice speaks from off-panel.

MAN: Zzzzz…
OFF PANEL VOICE: Wake him up.


Panels 2 and 3 have a continuous background, showing a bedroom. In panel 2, Man is still asleep in bed, but a man in a solider-or-guard-like uniform is standing over him, with a hand on his shoulder.

SOLDIER: Get up! You’re going to the hospital!


The man is now out of bed, with another soldier handcuffing him. The man is dressed only in a tee shirt and underwear. In front of him, a middle-aged woman, wearing a jacket and skirt, with a bun and a clipboard, is addressing him.

CLIPBOARD: We’re taking your kidney.


A close-up of Man and Clipboard. Man is wide-eyed with shock and fear; Clipboard is officious.

MAN: What? WHY?
CLIPBOARD: Your son is ill. He needs your kidney to live.


We’ve changed locations; Man is now strapped won to an operating table. His tee-shirt is gone, and he’s yelling, futility. Two people in surgical gowns, gloves and masks – one of whom is Clipboard – stand over him. Clipboard is pointing to something on her clipboard.

MAN: But I don’t HAVE a son!
CLIPBOARD: You do. He’s from a one-night stand 20 years ago.


No dialog in this panel. We see Man’s terrified face and, in the foreground, a gloved hand holding a scalpel.

The bottom border of the above six panels forms a word balloon, which is pointing to MAN in panel 7, indicating that the first six panels are a story that Man is telling in panel 7.


The same man from the first six panels. He is now standing in a parking lot in front of a building, cheerfully telling a story to another man. Man and his friend are both holding signs that say “PRO LIFE” in big letters. They are surrounded by at least five other protesters, both men and women, also holding “PRO LIFE” signs.

Unlike the first six panels, this panel is in full color.

MAN: And that’s when I woke up. Thank goodness it was only a terrible nightmare!

This cartoon on Patreon

Posted in Abortion, Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny |

Why Didn’t She?

Cartoon by Barry

I couldn’t make these cartoons without people supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge really matters.


This cartoon has only one panel. The panel shows a crowd of people, looking down on them from above. A dark-haired woman in the middle of the crowd, wearing a red blouse and a blue skirt, looks frightened. Everyone else in the crowd is yelling at her, pointing at her, shaking fists at her, etc – it is not a friendly crowd.

A little removed from the mob, at the bottom of the cartoon, a blonde man wearing a blue turtleneck talks to a black-haired woman, raising his hands in a shrugging gesture.

MAN: If she was raped, why didn’t she say so sooner?

Posted in Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny |

HE would never do that!

Cartoon by Barry

If you enjoy these cartoons, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon. A $1 pledge really matters!


This cartoon has four panels, plus an additional tiny “kicker” panel below the bottom of the cartoon.


Three people – a dark-haired woman in a skirt and blouse, a bald man with a tie, and a somewhat hipster-looking guy with a largish beard but no mustache, are walking through a park. The woman is in front; the two men are talking to each other.

NECKTIE: Maybe she’s bitter because he didn’t call her the next day.
BEARD: She could be saying it for attention.

The same three people walking; we can see the woman looks annoyed as she listens to the two men talk. Necktie is looking up into the air a bit and scratching his chin thoughtfully; Beard is enthusiastic.

NECKTIE: Maybe she was drunk and imagined the whole thing.
BEARD: Yes! She could be delusional.

In the foreground, a tire swing hangs from a tree branch, and there’s a stream. In the background, the same three people continue their walk. Teh woman looks really annoyed now; Necktie is holding his arms out in a declaratory fashion as he makes his point; Beard is holding up a forefinger to make a point.

NECKTIE: Maybe she made the whole thing up in a jealous rage!
BEARD: It could be a conspiracy.

The woman has stopped walking and turned back to address the two men. The two men are infuriated, yelling, Necktie actually jumping up and pointing.

WOMAN: Maybe he raped her.

A small panel below the bottom the strip shows the three of them; the woman is rolling her eyes, Necktie is speaking a bit angrily, and Beard, looking a bit smug, makes a point.

NECKTIE: It’s wrong to ruin someone’s life with unproven smears!
BEARD: Unless that someone is a woman.

Posted in Sexism & Misogyny |


Cartoon by Barry

If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, why not support them on Patreon? A $1 pledge really matters.

I want to acknowledge that this cartoon was influenced by Jia Tolentino’s excellent New Yorker article, which was also the source of the quote I used in panel 3.


This cartoon has four panels, plus a small “kicker” panel under the bottom of the cartoon.

The panel is a close-up of a smartphone, behind held in someone’s hand. On the screen, a friendly-looking young man waves and smiles, speaking to the camera. He’s wearing a button-up shirt with white pinstripes. A caption below him on the screen says “I.C.K. Livestream.”

MAN: Welcome to the online conference of the Involuntary Celibates of Kansas – AKA “Incels!” Today we’ll discuss two main topics…

A shot of the same man, no longer on a cell phone screen; he is seated in front of a desk, speaking at the laptop on his desk. His hand is in his fist and he has an intense, almost angry expression.

MAN: Topic One: Females! We incels realize that females are spoiled children who are handed the world on a platter.

Another shot of the same man, this time looking at him from behind his laptop. He’s waving his hands as he speaks.

MAN: Society has become a place for worship of females. And htat’s so #$%*ing wrong! Females aren’t gods. They’re just #$%*ing cum-dumpsters.

The man’s dialog in this panel has a footnote. The footnote says “actual quote.”

Like panel 1, this is a close-up of the smartphone being held by a hand. On the smartphone, the man who has been speaking now looks hurt and puzzled. He is shrugging.

MAN: Topic Two: Why can’t we get laid?

The same man is speaking angrily at Barry the Cartoonist. Barry is rolling his eyes.

MAN: You only drew this cartoon to get laid!
BARRY: Yeah, because that’s how getting laid works.

Posted in Sexism & Misogyny |

Witch Hunt

Cartoon by Barry


If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge really matters.

This cartoon has four panels.

Panel 1
This panel shows two women hanging from chains on a dungeon wall. Both women look dirty and are wearing ragged clothes. One is blonde, one brunette. They are looking at each other and chatting.

BLONDE: So, Merga… How have you been?
MERGA: Oh, you know…

Panel 2
A close-up of Merga. She looks like she may be in shock.

MERGA: Yesterday my neighbor said he dreamed that I danced with the devil. Today, they tortured me for hours until I “confessed” just to make it stop.

Panel 3
A shot of the two of them, looking very downcast.
MERGA: And tomorrow, they’ll burn me to death at the stake. How have you been?

Panel 4
This panel shows a smartphone, being held in someone’s hand. On the smartphone screen, an angry middle-aged man wearing a suit and necktie is speaking.

CAPTION: 400 years later.

NECKTIE: Someone on the internet criticized J.K. Rowling using hyperbolic language. It’s a WITCH HUNT!

Tiny kicker panel below bottom of strip.
The necktie dude from the fourth panel is talking to Barry (the cartoonist).
NECKTIE: You’re right, it’s not a witch hunt. It’s a lynch mob!

Posted in Conservatives, LGBT cartoons, Sexism & Misogyny |

But she never said “no”!

Cartoon by Barry

This stip was created with Becky Hawkins, who is also my collaborator on SuperButch! Becky drew this comic, while I wrote, lettered, and added the colors.

If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please support them on Patreon! A $1 pledge really matters to me.


The title image of this cartoon has the words “But she never said ‘NO’ in large white letters that fade into the background. Below the title is a drawing of telephone wires, with two birds sitting on a wire.
FIRST BIRD: Does this comic strip need a content warning?
SECOND BIRD: I think the title covers it.


A woman and a man are on a sofa. The man is leaning towards her, putting his lips near hers, while she pulls back and puts a protective hand, in a “stop” gesture, in front of her mouth.

WOMAN: I’m not sure I want to do this right now…
MAN (thought): That’s not literally saying “no.”

A closer shot of him from over the woman’s shoulder. He is smiling. She’s still holding up a “stop” hand. His thought balloon partly obscures her speech balloon, but not so much that we can’t read what she’s saying.

WOMAN: Hey c’mon, this isn’t a good idea.
MAN (thought): That’s not a literal “no.” So it’s okay to grab her boobs.

A closer shot of him leaning in to kiss her as she pulls away. She’s saying something, but we can’t read it because his thought balloon gets in the way.

MAN (thought): She still hasn’t literally said “no.” I’m good!

A close-up of his face. The woman’s not in the panel, but her word balloon – still mostly obscured by his head and his thought balloon – indicates that she’s positioned below him. He looks like he’s concentrating.

MAN (thought): Pulling away while I’m trying to pull her pants down isn’t literally saying “no.”

In silhouette, we see that she’s lying on her back, with him on top of her. She isn’t saying anything.

MAN (thought): Now she’s just being silent and unresponsive. No talking means she’s not saying “no!”

This is the final panel. The setting has changed; the man is now holding his arms up and looking frustrated. A few people in silhouette are looking at him; their posture makes it seem like they’re angry at him.

MAN: How was I supposed to know? I’m not a mind-reader!


A small panel below the bottom of the strip shows the man, now looking full of himself, talking to a different couple of people.

MAN: I do consider myself a feminist!

Posted in Barry's favorites, Becky Hawkins collaborations, Sexism & Misogyny |

Is Marriage A Magic Wand?

Cartoon by Barry

If you enjoy these cartoons, please support them on my Patreon. A $1 pledge really matters.


Panel 1
This panel shows a reporter standing in a back yard, taking notes in a little pad, as a woman in a lawn chair speaks to him.

WOMAN: Marriage wasn’t a magic wand that got me out of poverty. I worked really hard, and I lucked into a good job. I didn’t get married until after all that.

Panel 2
The same reporter, now standing in an academic office (we can tell it’s academic because there’s a bookcase in the background). A woman wearing glasses and holding up some papers is talking to him.

WOMAN 2: As a social scientist, I know marriage isn’t a magic wand. Evidence shows that what matters most is having a full-time job, and that’s not always under people’s control.

Panel 3
The same reporter is talking to a man wearing a suit and tie; they’re standing in front of an office building in a city.
MAN: At our think tank, we don’t have real-world experience, or the best evidence. But we do have a simple narrative that blames poverty on single mothers.

Panel 4
This panel only shows a newspaper’s front page. The newspaper, which is called “Daily Opiate,” has a big headline, a sub headline, and a photo of the man from panel 3, with a pull-quote next to the photo.
PHOTO PULL-QUOTE: “It’s just common sense!”

Posted in Economic cartoons, Sexism & Misogyny |

Toxic Masculinity Stew

Cartoon by Barry

If you enjoy my cartoons, and can spare it, please support my patreon! A $1 pledge means a lot.

Transcript of cartoon

At the top of the strip, there’s a drawing of various unidentifiable shapes floating in a liquid in a pot. Lettering on top of the drawing, in cheerfully cartoony letters, says “Toxic Masculinity Stew.”

Panel 1
A man in a chef’s shirt talks directly to the viewer. He has a mustache, is bald, and looks to be middle-aged but vigorous. He’s holding a long spoon in one hand and making a “thumb’s up” sign at the viewers with his other hand; there are various bowls arrayed in front of him, with neon green stuff in the bowls, and a big stew pot to his right. (Throughout this strip, all colors are a bit desaturated and dull, other than the neon green.)
CHEF: Welcome! Today we’ll be making “toxic masculinity stew.” Yum!

Panel 2
The chef is stirring some neon green stuff in a pan.
CHEF: We’ll start by sautéing some feelings. We’ll bury these at the bottom of the pot, so no one will ever see them!

Panel 3
The chef hold out a neon-green egg towards the viewer. The egg is visibly cracked.
CHEF: Add a delicate sense of manhood. The slightest thing can make boys feel that this has been shattered! What fun!

Panel 4
The Chef mixes something in a bowl.
CHEF: In a separate bowl, put ht eidea that “the sex” is something held by women. Mix it with the belief that if a man can’t get “the sex” from a woman, one way or the other… Then he’s not a real man at all!

Panel 5
From above the pot, we see the chef’s hand holding a shaker (like a salt shaker) and sprinkling neon green specs into the stew.
CHEF: Now sprinkle in lots of gear of being soft or gentle or vulnerable. Nothing spoils this dish quicker than boys accepting these parts of themselves!

The Chef holds out a spoon towards the viewer. The spoon is dripping with a thick, neon-green liquid.
CHEF: Simmer for 10-40 years and there you have it… a lovely toxic masculinity stew! It tastes repulsive and bitter, but don’t worry. We’ll force it down.

A tiny panel below the bottom of the strip shows a woman yelling at the cartoonist.
WOMAN: Criticizing how society harms men means you’re anti-male!

Posted in Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny |

Things You Should Generally Avoid Touching

Cartoon by Barry

This cartoon was written by Rachel Swirsky. Check out Rachel’s website!

If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, why not support them on Patreon? A $1 pledge matters a lot.

Transcript of cartoon.

At the top of the cartoon, the title is printed in a friendly, 1950s retro font.

TITLE: Things You Should Generally Avoid Touching

This panel shows two beakers, filled with colored liquid that is bubbling away.

CAPTION: Mysterious, bubbling beakers.

A Black woman with a wonderful head of hair turns back, looking annoyed, as a hand reaches out from behind her to touch her hair.

CAPTION: Strangers’ bodies.

There is a sandwich; rising from the sandwich is a vaporous green death skull.

CAPTION: Sandwiches abandoned at nuclear test sites.

A woman, large with pregnancy, wearing a “baby on board” tee shirt, looks down with annoyance as a hand extends out to touch her belly.

CAPTON: Strangers’ bodies.

A bunch of vampire bats, including a big one in the foreground staring straight out at the viewer, mouth open to reveal fangs, are flying in the air.

CAPTION: Rabid vampire bats.

We see the hips, butt and waist of a person, gender indeterminate, wearing pants with a shirt tucked in. A hand reaches out to touch their butt.

CAPTION: Seriously, strangers’ bodies.

A double-wide final panel.
A white woman talks to the Black woman from panel 2. The white woman has her finger on her face as if concentrating; the Black woman looks amused.

WHITE WOMAN: What if the rabid bats attack AND I have to defeat them with the mysterious beakers but FIRST I have to get a stranger out of the way AND she can’t see or hear me… THEN can I touch her hair?

BLACK WOMAN: That sounds likely.

Posted in Racism & Racists, Sexism & Misogyny, Social Justice |

Mens Rights Activists, Feminism, and Male Workplace Deaths

Cartoon by Barry

If you like these cartoons, please help me make more, by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge matters a lot.

Transcript of cartoon:


It’s outdoors; we can see a row of houses in the background, and some green space with trees. A woman with glasses and a yellow zip-up blouse turns, as if surprised by the man talking to her. The man has blonde hair and is wearing a yellow and orange striped shirt.

MAN: Did you know that 93% of workplace deaths happen to men? But feminists do nothing!


The woman puts a finger on her chin, in a “I’m thinking” gesture. The man looks uninterested.

WOMAN: Something should be DONE! How about stronger unions, so workers could DEMAND safer workplaces?
MAN: Meh.


The woman continues talking. The man turns away, looking placidly bored, his hands in his pant pockets.

WOMAN: How about strengthening OSHA, so works safety laws are actually enforced?
MAN: Whatever.


The man suddenly is yelling in the woman’s face, arms wide, fists clenched, totally engaged. The woman flinches back in surprise.

WOMAN: So how do you think we should–

MRAs, Feminism, and Male Workplace Deaths | Patreon

Posted in Labor rights & Unions, Sexism & Misogyny |

How Free Speech Was Saved

Cartoon by Barry


Transcript of Cartoon

Panel 1
This panel shows only the title of the strip, in large, cheerful letters on a blue background.
TITLE: How Free Speech Was Saved

Panel 2
Two men, in their 20s or 30s, are in a coffee shop. One of them, a handsome, muscular blonde man with a square jaw and wearing a sleeveless tee, is looking angrily at his tablet. The other, a scruffier looking man in a collared blue shirt, is sitting at a table with his laptop, but looking up in alarm.

BLONDE: The feminists are attacking free speech!

Panel 3
A closer shot of the two guys as they stare at Blonde’s tablet.

BLONDE: Look, this one’s calling out sexism in a video game!
SCRUFF: Feminist criticism? But that’s censorship!

Panel 4
Blonde dramatically gestures, looking up and waving fists in the air, as Scruff turns to his laptop.

BLONDE: This injustice CANNOT stand!
SCRUFF: I’ll get on social media!

Panel 5
This panel is divided into four sub-panels, showing four different men in different locations, all reading something on their computer or tablet and yelling “ATTACK!”

Panel 6
A 30ish woman in a black sleeveless tee sits in front of her laptop, a cup of coffee on the table, and looks shocked at what’s on her computer screen.
VARIOUS MESSAGES FROM COMPUTER: Step in a hole and die! Rape! I know where you live! Hate! SJW scum! You are pure @#$&! Die!
WOMAN: Yipes!

Panel 7
The same woman, now crying a little, types a message into her computer.
WOMAN: Dear friends: For the time being, I’m shutting down all my social media accounts…

Panel 8
Another panel that’s been divided into four sub-panels, each showing a different woman in a different location. They are all looking at their internet devices, and all thinking the same thought: “Look at what they did to her… Maybe I shouldn’t post online.”

Panel 9
Back to the two guys, who have their arms crossed and are looking happy and prideful, as they talk to a third man, a hippie-looking dude who is very impressed.

BLONDE: And that’s how we saved free speech!
HIPPIE: Wow! You guys are heroes!

Posted in Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny |

36 Annoying Anti-Feminists – revised and expanded!

Cartoon by Barry

Please support these cartoons on Patreon.

(There was an earlier version of this cartoon, which had only 32 anti-feminists.)

Transcript of cartoon:
Title At Top of Cartoon: 36 Annoying Anti-Feminists you will meet on the internet

Panel 1
(A wide-eyed man wearing a plaid shirt waves his hands above his head to make it clear he’s talking about a BIG deal.)
Panel Title: The Molehill Grower
Man: A feminist on twitter got her punctuation wrong… Clearly the whole movement has no legitimacy!

Panel 2
(A scholarly looking man with reading glasses, a sweater vest and a pleasant demeanor raises one hand in a “just explaining things” manner.)
Panel Title: The Economist
Man: Sexism can’t exist, because the free market is perfect! So if employers pay women less, women must be worth less!

Panel 3
(A quivering man with huge eyes and a very intense expression holds up a diagram showing a midsection; three arrows on the diagram point to a tiny dot within the midsection.)
Panel Title: The Fetusphile
Man: This is a zygote! It matters infinitely more than its oven does!

Panel 4
(A scruffy-looking man with a grumpy expression stands in a spotlight, speaking into a handheld microphone.)
Panel Title: The Comedian
Man: Feminists only criticize my “edgy” rape jokes because they have no sense of humor!

Panel 5
(A suit-wearing man with carefully styled hair and a devout expression holds a bible to his heart. In he backgrund, a woman clutches her hands together in an “oh please” expression.)
Panel Title: God Told Him So
Man: Feminism tells women to leave their husbands, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians!
Woman: Where do I sign?

Panel 6
(A man with glasses and a sad expression, cartoon sweat droplet flying from his face, is looking at book with the title “Yearbook” and yelling with an anguished expression.)
Panel Title: Not Yet Over High School
Man: Why wouldn’t the hot girls date me? WHHYYY?

Panel 7
(A young, fit-looking guy wearing a sweatshirt shrugs with bewilderment.)
Panel Title: The Douchebro
Man: Find out if she wants sex before I f**k her? How would that even work?

Panel 8
(A man with a long white beard, sunglasses, and a short buzzcut, stand with his arms crossed.)
Panel Title: The Scholar
Man: After extensive pursual of Wikipedia, I fail to see any difference between feminists and Nazis!

Panel 9
(A slightly smug-looking young woman in a striped shirt stands smiling, holding up a sign that says “I’m not a feminist because I don’t hate men!”)
Panel Title: The Good Girl

Panel 10
(A young man with long hair in a ponytail and a short chin-only beard addresses the viewer cheerfully while holding a pen and notepad.)
Panel Title: The Rationalist
Man: My objective logic proves white men objectively deserve everything we have because we’re so super objective!

Panel 11
(A young woman stands, holding a beer and looking a bit annoyed, as a young man holds up a finger to indicate “wait” while reading a book with the title “How To Pick Up Girls.”)
Panel Title: The Pick-Up Artist
Man: It says to “neg” you now.

Panel 12
(A man sits at a computer, waving his fists, cartoon sweat droplets flying, apparently overcome with fury.)
Panel Title: The Gamergater
Man: How dare feminists say some gamers are sexist? @#%*ing whores!

Panel 13
(A 30ish man with a small beard and his nose stuck high in the air is speaking, arms folded.)
Panel Title: The Comparison Shopper
Man: U.S. Women should be embarassed to whine about “sexism” when Saudi Arabia is so much worse!
Arrow-shaped caption pointing to man: Deeply distressed by anti-male bias in “Harry Potter.”

Panel 14
(A middle-aged man wearing a bathrobe and sunglasses grins while holding a glass of wine.)
Panel Title: Creepy
Man: When you think about it, it’s natural that teen girls are attracted to middle-aged men. Wanna see my hot tub?

Panel 15
(A young man spreads his hands wide, in an “oh come on!” sort of gesture.)
Panel Title: Won’t Get Fooled Again
Man: If females aren’t liars, then why do they wear makeup? Huh? Why? Explain!

Panel 16
(A man with stubble and spikey hair, and weird wide eyes, a huge scowling mouth, and fist held balled up at shoulder height, is yelling. He trembles with rage.)
Panel Title: Mr Buzzword
Man: PC militant misandrist cultural Marxist gynocentric authoritarian cuck snowflack SJW gender troglodytes!

Panel 17
(A 30ish man with short black hair speaks angrily towards the viewer. In the background, a cheerful young woman stands, arms akimbo.)
Panel Title: Going His Own Way
Man: This 20 year old doesn’t want to sleep with me so I’m giving up women forever!
Woman: Promises, promises…

Panel 18
(A young man stands with his back mostly to the viewer, trembling with suppressed emotion. We can see a bit of his face; he has a distressed expression, and is trembling.)
Panel Title: The Open Wound
Man: Hearing people defend feminism is so painful it might kill me! …I demand that you defend feminism!

Panel 19
(A young man, wearing a tank top with a “male symbol” circle and arrow on it, points straight at the viewer and has an accusing expression.)
Panel Title: He’s Rubber, You’re Glue
Man: Feminazis are the real misogynists!

Panel 20
(A nicely-dressed woman with cats eye glasses and a fashionable haircut holds up a finger to make a point.)
Panel Title: The That’s Not Real Rape Lady
Woman: But if she didn’t say “no” a fifth time, then…

Panel 21
(A man with messy hair yells hugely into the air.)
Panel Title: Back Away Slowly
Man: Females have conspired to lower men’s sperm counts!

Panel 22
(A man with a very intense expression and a t-shirt that says “Red Pill” speaks to the viewer.)
Panel Title: Back Away Quickly
Man: Women control the sexual market so I am forced to “go alpha” and “take control” in a way that just barely falls short of rape!

Panel 23
(A smiling man with a dark suit and slicked-back hair speaks, looking relaxed and confident.)
Panel Title: The SpokesMAN
Man: As a man, I know all real men hate feminism! Because that’s how manly men roll!

Panel 24
(We see a door with wooden planks nailed across it to lock it closed. Next to the door a sign has been taped to the wall, which says “keep OUT!” There is a slot in the door; a voice comes out from the slot.)
Panel Title: Wee Bit Paranoid

Panel 25
(A cheerful young man with curly hair sits in front of a laptop computer.)
Panel Title: The Amazing Twitterman!
Man: I will prove this feminist wrong by tweeting an anonymous rape threat!

Panel 26
(A balding man, looking honestly bewildered, holds out a hand in explanation.)
Panel Title: It’s Science!
Man: How can feminists deny that women evolved to love dusting? Clearly they’re anti-science!

Panel 27
(A man, very close up, screams in the viewers face, wide mouth and sweat droplets flying.)
Panel Title: The Swiss Army Knife Of Hate
Man: Feminazis! And race pimps! And moose limbs! And Jews! And…

Panel 28
(A woman, smiling, stands in an enormous pile of money. From off-panel, a hand shoots out, holding papers out to her.)
Panel Title: The Anti-Feminist Feminist
Woman: Speaking as a feminist, feminism is evil! Oh, look, another book contract.

Panel 29
(A young man is talking at a woman in the foreground, waving his hands around his head.)
Panel Title: The Subject Changer
Man: And speaking of whatever it is you’re talking about, male circumcision is worse than Hitler!

Panel 30
(An older, professorial man, holding a pipe, looks down his nose at the viewer.)
Panel Title: The Traditionalist
Man: Women hold jobs now? I despair for the ruin of our once-great society…

Panel 31
(A muscular man speaks, smiling and relaxed and perhaps a bit smug.)
Panel Title: The Anti-Male Anti-Feminist
Man: Men can’t be expected to refrain when women wear short skirts… because all men are beasts!

Panel 32
(A sock puppet of a young woman with a striped hoodie is being held up, the arm of the person holding it coming up from below the bottom of the panel.)
Panel Title: The Sock Puppet
Puppet: Brad is right! Feminazis do hate men! So says I, a total stranger who just happened to come across this discussion.

Panel 33
(A well-dressed man with glasses speaks, eyebrows knitted with anger.)
Panel Title: The “Divorce Opened My Eyes” Guy
Man: The government forces me to pay child support. Now I see that men are slaves.

Panel 34
A somewhat hippie-looking guy – long hair in a ponytail, plaid shirt – is speaking, a smile on his face, but with condescending body language.
Panel Title: The Marxist
Man: I strongly support feminism! (Until it distracts from actually important issues like class.)

Panel 35
(A person with ambiguous gender speaks very intensely, one finger pointing into the air to make a point.)
Panel Title: The Free Speech Purist
Person: Accusing others of sexism is trying to shut them up which is censorship! Which is why you should shut up.

Panel 36
(An intense man, reading off an incredibly long list he holds up in one hand, glares at another man in the foreground.)
Panel Title: The Cartoon Critic
INTENSE MAN: It’s a list of 406 ways your vomit-worthy travesty of a “cartoon” is dishonest, deceitful and full of lies!

Kicker panel below bottom of strip.
(And older, very angry man in a striped shirt shakes his fist in the air as he speaks.)
Man: He only made this cartoon because he’s hoping it’ll get him laid! Pathetic cuck loser!

Posted in Barry's favorites, Sexism & Misogyny |

New Comic at The Nib – “If It Looks Like a Duck”

Cartoon by Barry

I have a new comic up at The Nib today! This is a very unusual comic strip for me – it’s autobio, a genre I almost never do. It’s about what happened to me when I took a job playing a female duck.

Posted in LGBT cartoons, Sexism & Misogyny |